Straight from the Box: Spruced Up Spice Cake for Fall
I'm not the best baker in the world but I do love baking- so when I can still enjoy baking but can cut a few corners & it still turns out delicious... that's a win in my book. All I bought was: spice cake mix, cream cheese frosting, brown sugar & caramel syrup. And my secret to making any box cake mix look pretty: a Bundt cake pan- yes... every single time I need to bake a cake, this is my go-to. It instantly gives it that classic bakery feel.
Simply bake the cake according to the directions on the back of the box. And then I like to place it on a pretty platter to cool- which is typically the same platter I serve the cake on.
The next steps are super easy- open the frosting & remove the lid & foil covering... microwave for approximately 15-30 seconds, or until your frosting is just barely melted & warm. I then just drizzle the frosting clock wise on top of the cake. I don't use a lot of frosting because I don't want it to be too sweet- but you can eye the amount you're using & adjust it to fit your liking. Drizzle a bit of caramel syrup on top of that & then finish by sprinkling brown sugar on top- again these two are to your liking.
You can leave the center just as it is or you can use a small pumpkin to decorate it a little bit. Just be sure to wash your pumpkin before you use it- if you're using a real pumpkin. I used a mini faux pumpkin here. An easy way to spruce up your box cake & frosting & don't forget to invest in a Bundt pan... you won't regret it friend. Happy baking!
Added for cuteness: I just turned around after decorating the cake & saw our cat Marcelle arched on one of my faux pumpkins... it made for the perfect picture & I just had to include it in this post too. I thought it may bring a smile to your face just like it did to mine.